Root Canal Therapy in Monroe, WI

If tooth decay is left untreated, it will keep spreading deeper and deeper. At that point, a root canal may be the only option to save your tooth.

When tooth decay makes it to the pulp, the part of the tooth with the nerves, there is usually a lot of pain. However, since this is happening on the inside of the tooth, you won’t necessarily see the damage. Instead, you will feel it as pain, and you may notice other signs like bleeding, tenderness, swelling, and bad breath.

What Is a Root Canal?

root canal is a restorative procedure that involves several steps:

  1. Anesthesia: You will receive local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding gum tissue.
  2. Accessing the pulp: Your dentist will make a small opening in the top part of the tooth to access the infected area.
  3. Removing the pulp: The doctor will use special dental tools to remove the infected tissue from inside the tooth.
  4. Shaping the root canals: Once the pulp has been removed, your dentist will clean out, disinfect, and shape the pulp chamber and root canals.
  5. Filling the canals: The dentist will fill the root canals with a spongy material called gutta-percha.
  6. Sealing the tooth: The tooth will need a temporary filling to seal it off from bacteria and prevent reinfection.
  7. The final restoration: You’ll likely need a crown to protect the tooth and restore your bite. Once your crown has been fabricated, it will replace the temporary filling. We normally do this at a second appointment.

After a root canal treatment, your tooth will need some time to heal completely, but you should no longer be experiencing intense pain. Once the tooth is healed, you will be able to eat and drink normally and resume your typical oral hygiene routine.

A root canal is an essential treatment that can eliminate pain and save your tooth from a serious infection. If you are experiencing any tooth pain or tenderness in a specific area of your mouth, call us at (608) 420-2185 right away to schedule an examination appointment. Your dentist will check your teeth and mouth to determine the source of the problem and the right course of action.